Monday, August 31, 2009

Here's a glimpse of what our days are looking like: Ty and Emme are learning to "do school" because after Labor Day our homeschool year begins. They are doing great! Here, they are having "quilt time". Thanks Denise for the lovely quilts-we love them! Ty and Emme have learned to sit on them for 30 minutes and work on puzzles, beads, or sewing. Ty's sewing style is quite creative!

Do Hard Things

So this is my first post--and my darling daughter is sitting next to me "encouraging" me to do hard things. You see, I really want to begin to blog....but 2 things are looming large before me. One is the thought of adding one more thing to do onto what seem like very full days. The other is the thought of doing something new. I like the familiar. Yet, I really desire to journal all the many, many joys of our life. Greg and I recently celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Our oldest child just turned 18. I wish I had journaled the first 20 years so I could better remember all the wonderful days God has blessed us with. God's mercies are definitely new every morning and I hope to attempt to chronicle them... so we can look back, recount His kindnesses to us as a family, and grow in glorifying Him more and more. And so, here I am, "doing hard things". Thanks Rachel for helping me get started. This first picture is of Zach (18) doing push-ups with Ty (3) and Emme (4) on his back.